
Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. is nationally recognized and approved to award certificates and associates, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees.  The U.S. Department of Education states that accreditation itself is a voluntary process. Many high-quality, legitimate and legal Colleges and Universities and other institutions of higher education operate today without accreditation.  

There is no mandate by federal law for a School, College or University to be accredited. Many good schools are not accredited. Also, each accreditor has their own unique standards and, thus, there is no national consistency in institutional accreditation. Accreditation in the United States is awarded by non-US governmental agencies. Again, accreditation is strictly a voluntary option in the United States. “The United States has no Federal Ministry of Education or other centralized authority exercising single national control over post-secondary educational institutions in this country.

 The States assume varying degrees of control over education, but, in general, institutions of higher education are permitted to operate with considerable independence and autonomy. As a consequence, American educational institutions can vary widely in the character and quality of their programs.In order to insure a basic level of quality, the practice of accreditation arose in the United States as a means of conducting non-governmental, peer evaluation of educational institutions and programs. 

Private educational associations of regional or national scope have adopted criteria reflecting the qualities of a sound educational program and have developed procedures for evaluating institutions or programs to determine whether or not they are operating at basic levels of quality.” (U.S. Dept Education website)


Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. is a private institution incorporated in the state of Florida and is legally authorized by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities (SBICU) with a religious exemption authority to offer degree programs that are designed solely for religious vocations.

Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. makes no claims, implied or otherwise, that our educational programs, courses, or curricula are the same as those offered by secular state colleges and universities.

Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. desires to remain separate and thereby maintain our religious prerogatives and freedom to compose courses and design degree programs that are in accordance with our Biblical convictions and beliefs.

Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. is not affiliated with the State of Florida or the U.S. Department of Education. Credits and Degrees earned at Cornerstone Christian University CCU Inc. are for those in Christian service.

Membership Organizations

Cornerstone Christian University CCU is an active member of several accrediting organizations, and regularly attends meetings and meets all standards provided.

Florida Department of Education – Commission for Independent Education.

Cornerstone Christian University CCU, is a religious corporation authorized by the State of Florida, and an ecclesiastical educational institution authorized to operate by the state of Florida, under Section 246.084 of the Florida Statutes. According to this authorization and registration, CCU is regulated by the State Board of Independent Colleges & Universities, SBICU. Cornerstone Christian University, is registered and authorized to grant degrees by the State of Florida Department of Education – Commission Independent Education.

Transworld Accrediting Commission International. (TACI)

Cornerstone Christian University CCU  is a member of Transworld Accrediting Commission Accredited International (TACI). TACI is a professional, federally recognized, non-profit educational organization, whose philosophy is to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in non-traditional evangelical educational institutions. TACI provides consulting services that enable educational institutions to comply with accepted standards of performance. This accountability is demonstrated by institutions that are accredited by TAC, having documented evidence of compliance with TACI standards of structure and governance, material resources, policies, faculty and curriculum. Visit their

Christian Teacher Training Association (CTTA).

Cornerstone Christian University CCU is a member of the Association of Christian Teachers Training. Christian Teacher Training Association (CTTA). It is a national association of churches, schools, colleges and seminaries, which support the training and certification of educators and Christian teachers, to advance the highest standards in Christian education. they offer seminars; share resources, and learn about the services and programs to help develop skills and become teachers and leaders of relevant ministries, to effectively serve the Lord in the local church, Bible schools and seminaries.

American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)

Cornerstone Christian University CCU is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC); AACC has become the leading organization for professional, pastoral and lay counselors. Nearly 50,000 members have found a place for “professional affiliation” and a “place to belong” — American Association of Christian Counselors is an organization that provides support, education, resources and encouragement, and strives to be practical, Biblically-based and clinically excellent.

National Association of Evangelical (NAE)

Cornerstone Christian University is a member of The National Association of Evangelicals. The National Association of Evangelicals has spoken as a united voice for millions of American evangelicals since 1942. But, the voice of the NAE is clearer, stronger and more broadly heard now than ever before. The association represents more than 45,000 local churches from nearly 40 different denominations and serves a constituency of millions. They serve to make denominations strong and effective, influence society for justice and righteousness, and gather the many voices of evangelicals together to be more effective for Jesus.

Evangelical Training Association (ETA)

Cornerstone Christian University is a member of the Evangelical Training Association (ETA). This association facilitates kingdom growth and serves as a bridge between member schools and the broader evangelical community. Their unique lay leadership resources equip local churches, Bible Institutes, and academic communities with proven training curriculum.

Association of Christian Distance Education (ACCESS).

Cornerstone Christian University is a member of the Association of Christian Distance Education (ACCESS). ACCESS provides leadership through resources, online community development, and promotion of various forms of distance education. Some of the resources include research and scholarship in distance education (DE) and Christian distance education (CDE). Visit their website: